InfraStop® IR Reflective Pallet Cover


How do Reflective Pallet Covers Work?

Reflective pallet covers are usually made up of a few core components all working together to shield the items inside from irregular temperatures. In addition to specially-designed sheets that are usually made of plastic or foam, the covers also include metalized films that act as reflective material.

To this end, these covers are designed with two goals in mind: minimizing the transfer of heat outside the pallet and preserving the temperature inside. In normal situations, radiant heat from sunlight exposure (for just one example) could be absorbed by a traditional pallet cover or other packaging materials, quickly causing the temperature of the associated items to rise in an unpredictable way. The right pallet cover, however, can stop this from happening no matter what is going on in the environment around it.

Even in situations where a pallet of goods may be exposed to direct sunlight, reflective pallet covers block radiant heat entirely – allowing the condition of the goods inside the pallet to be unaffected regardless of the temperature in the surrounding environment.

Extreme temperatures are one of the natural enemies of a wide range of different products. In the case of pharmaceutical goods, for example, allowing the temperature to get too high could alter the chemical composition of something like medicine, causing it to lose effectiveness or possibly to not work at all. In the case of fruits and vegetables, heat could artificially limit their lifespan – leading to a pallet of food that arrives at its destination in such poor condition that it needs to be disposed of right away.

The Major Benefits of Reflective Pallet Covers


By far, the number one benefit of using reflective pallet covers comes down to the superior temperature control capabilities they provide. Certain items that are shipped like food, flowers, pharmaceuticals and more could be harmed or totally damaged if they’re allowed to heat to beyond a certain temperature. Unfortunately, due to the way that shipping facilities operate, you can’t guarantee that a particular pallet will stay out of direct sunlight all day long.

With a reflective pallet cover, however, these concerns can be eliminated because they’re specifically designed to block radiant heat in the first place. This is especially true when you’re talking about items that are shipped in steel containers, as the heat absorbed by the metal can cause the temperature to rise to extreme levels very quickly.

By blocking radiant heat, reflective pallet covers can help preserve a safe temperature for the aforementioned types of perishable items and more, guaranteeing that they arrive at their destination as safely as possible every time.

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